Description: Description: This dataset contains the corrected publicly reported salvage locations from Roadkill Salvage Permit applications between 6/30/2016 – 8/4/2020. WADOT adjusted salvage locations to the nearest roadway, WDFW WSDM QA/QC all permit fields to produce the most accurate records possible for data archiving. Some reported salvage locations were moved to be consistent with applicant notes. Original locations are retained. Correct records are noted wherever possible; correct locations are not noted when only WADOT locations are available.The final published dataset contains all salvage permits (n = 8202) submitted between 2016-07-01 and 2020-08-03, with corrected locations between WSDM and WADOT records marked (n = 4772). The records received from WADOT were truncated to this date range. Processing at WSDM assumed that the WADOT records contained more accurate, previously corrected data, and used those coordinates whenever possible. Obvious ‘test’ points were removed from the final WSDM data set, but otherwise all records were retained, as essential records are likely to be dependent on use case.Created: November 2023Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 (US Feet)