Table of Contents
- Getting Started
Data Transfer Methods
- Manual Entry
- File Upload
- Interacting with the Chart
- Additional Features
- Troubleshooting
1. Getting Started
The Site-Potential Tree Height Calculator requires three types of data: tree species, tree height (in ft), and tree age (in years). Refer to WDFW’s “Procedure for Determining a Site Index from Field-Based Measurements” for the methods to be used when collecting these data. The SPTH200 can provide an estimate of site-potential tree height at age 200 years (SPTH200) for each of the tree species in your data.
2. Data Transfer Methods
There are two ways to transfer data to the SPTH200:
- Manual Entry: Enter data directly through the keyboard.
- File Upload: Upload a data file in CSV format.
Select one by clicking on the corresponding button.
a. Manual Entry
To manually enter data:
- Select the Manual Entry option.
- Choose a species from the dropdown menu labeled Select a species.
- Enter the tree's Height and Age in the provided fields.
- Click the Add Tree button to add the data to the chart and table.
- The adjacent graph is updated each time you enter another tree. This update includes a new estimate of the average SPTH200 for the selected tree species.
- Repeat the process to add more trees if needed.
- To start a new table for the same species, click the Clear button.
- To start a new table for a different species, click the Back button.
b. File Upload
To upload data using a CSV file:
- The data file must be a comma-delimited CSV file with a “.csv” file extension. The first line of the file should be the column headings. Three of the columns should be labeled “SpeciesCode”, “Age”, and “Height”. Tree heights should be in feet and tree ages in years. The file may also contain other columns such as species name or tree diameter, but these extra columns will be ignored.
- Use the following species codes in your CSV file:
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Species Code |
Douglas-fir |
Pseudotsuga menziesii |
DF |
Western Hemlock |
Tsuga heterophylla |
WH |
Western Redcedar |
Thuja plicata |
RC |
Sitka Spruce |
Picea sitchensis |
SS |
Pacific Silver Fir |
Abies amabilis |
SF |
Ponderosa Pine |
Pinus ponderosa |
PP |
Western Larch |
Larix occidentalis |
WL |
Grand Fir |
Abies grandis |
GF |
Lodgepole Pine |
Pinus contorta |
LP |
Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir* |
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca |
RM |
Black Cottonwood |
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa |
CW |
Red Alder |
Alnus rubra |
RA |
* Also known as interior Douglas-fir or inland Douglas-fir.
- Ensure your CSV file follows the correct format. For example:
- Select the File Upload option.
- Click the Choose File button and select your CSV file.
- After uploading, select a species from the dropdown menu to analyze the data. Selecting “all species” in the dropdown menu produces estimates of SPTH200 for all species in the data file and determines which species has the tallest SPTH200.
- To start a new analysis for a different species, click the Back button.
3. Interacting with the Chart
The chart offers interactive features to enhance your data analysis:
- Hover Over Data Points: View detailed information about each data point in the chart.
- Display Control: Toggle on/off data point visibility by clicking on the three legend items.
- Chart Title: When tree data is present, it will display the species name, average Site-Potential Tree Height (SPTH) at 200 years, and a 95% confidence interval for the average SPTH. For example, a title might read: Douglas-fir - Average SPTH: 139 ft (95% CI: 120 ft - 158 ft).
4. Additional Features
- Delete Entries: Remove single rows in the tree data table by clicking the Delete button.
- Clear Data: Use the Clear button to remove all tree data and restart the data table.
- Full-Screen View: Expand the chart to full-screen for a better view. To exit full-screen view, press the Esc key.
- Export Options: Export the chart as an image or as a PDF using the chart's export menu, which is located in the upper right corner of the chart. A PDF file is obtained by “printing” to a PDF.
5. Troubleshooting
If you encounter any issues, consider the following:
- Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
- Verify that the age and height values are within acceptable ranges (Age: 1-200 years).
- Check your CSV file for correct formatting and data consistency.
- Ensure you're using the correct species codes as listed above.
- Refer to any error messages displayed in the application for guidance.
- If problems persist, contact support at WDFW: